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OpenGovDataHack 2019

Updated: Dec 11, 2019

Closing Date: 31/12/2019 Reward: 3,00,000 INR

Contest outline:

The National Informatics Center (NIC), in association with the Internet & Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), plans to launch the Hackathon / Coding Challenge - OpenGovDataHack 2019, for entrepreneurs, innovators, start-ups and MSMEs to create unique and innovative services. Applications foster data-driven innovation. The aim is to find local solutions to local problems by local entrepreneurs.

Location For Hackathon:

This Hackathon is to be conducted across four locations of India namely

  • Raipur (Chhattisgarh),

  • Kozhikode (Kerala),

  • Rajkot (Gujarat)

  • Chandigarh (UT).

  • Others(Online Mode)

Problem Statements

1. Sector: Education

Problem Statement:To setup adaptive learning management system for teachers and municipal schools.

Different students have different learning needs. Municipal Schools are introducing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for effective teaching and coaching purpose. Adaptive learning makes this possible by using student data. Adaptive learning uses the data learners generate to:

  • Produce personalized learning plans based on individual capabilities

  • Recommend methodologies to teachers that suit their aptitudes

  • Monitor and follow up on progress.

Adaptive learning uses learning objectives, their learning history and previous learning content to develop personalized learning plan for individual students. Smart Cities aims to develop Adaptive learning solutions for municipal schools to allow students to teachers to enhance the learning experience using Open technologies. Smart Cities aims to scale the solution to 4000 cities which could be powered by open content platform where experts could contribute and evaluate the content. Solution has to be interoperable, open and scalable.

2. Sector: City Economy

Problem Statement: AI -based application for GDP Assessment and analysis of cities.

Smart Cities needs various data points to asses the economic health or growth over the period. Smart Cities aims to set up open configurable mobile compatible platform to promote crowd sourcing to collect various data points from citizens and communities. Platform shall be designed using open source technologies to facilitate various services namely Location discovery, Price monitoring, asset inspections, movement patterns, logistic monitoring, sentiments analysis and surveys. Platform shall allow end users to configure various features to collect, process and aggregate data to generate economic insights at the city level ex: cost of living, spending propensity, tax potential, market price etc. Smart Cities Mission aims to scale the solution to 500 cities.

3. Sector: Mobility

Problem Statement: Design open source solution using AI and Machine Learning to help city bus authorities/undertakings to schedule city buses on different routes using passenger mobility data.

To promote the usage of public transport among the masses it is important to increase the reliability and improve the user experience of the commuters. Problem arises due to poor allocation of bus routes in absence of commuter data, traffic congestion, bus break down, poor roads etc. which either leads to unreliable bus timings, over or underutilized passenger loads. Smart Cities aims to use AI to deliver better, reliable and precise real time information to commuters and officials by using commuter (anonymized) movements data.

4. Sector: Solid Waste Management

Problem Statement: Smart Cities Mission aims to develop an effective system in a smart city to automate sanitary workers daily attendance to avoid fake entry/ proxy. The system to keep track of all entries/areas/unauthorized access etc. to maintain the audit trail and help in improving the efficiency and productivity of people and system.

5. Sector: Sanitation

Problem Statement: To develop an Artificial intelligence /machine learning based model of validation of the functional /non-functional Toilets in the cities, through citizen engagement.

6. Sector: Water and Waste Water

Problem Statement: To develop an AI based model to improve understanding of the ground water system in the cities wrt porous, fractured, contaminated formations near water intrusion area & sewage effluents. The integrated model to have various thematic maps and their spatial analysis of apparent resistivity, lineament frequency, drainage frequency, geomorphology, soil/overburden thickness and aquifer thickness of ground water importance.

The Hackathon/Challenge will be in two phases:

Phase 1 City Challenge

  • MSMEs, StartUps and Entrepreneurs, Students have to register city-wise to participate in the challenge.

  • Creation of Prototype: After closing of the registration, the registered MSMEs/ StartUps/Entrepreneurs to work offline on the prototype of the solution and upload it in the portal. Use of datasets from OGD Platform is mandatory.

  • Onsite City Presentation: City level presentation will be conducted at all cities. A city-level Jury will judge all the presentations and choose 2 winners and 2 runner-ups.

Phase 2 National Challenge

  • Selected Apps/Solutions prototypes from Phase– I will be given around 10 days' time to make it a full-fledged product and submit it.

  • A National Jury will be formed to see the final presentations and choose 3 winners.


City level Challenge will be rewarded with cash award and eligible for Final Challenge.2 awards @Rs 15000 each for Winners & 2 awards @Rs 10000 for runner-ups. Certificates would be issued to all participants.

National Challenge Winners will be awarded with Cash Award worth 6 Lakhs in a National Award Ceremony. (1st Prize: 3,00,000 INR)

............INNOVATE TO WIN............


For more details and application visit the link below:

Category of contest: Hackathon- Software

Disclaimer: As our blog was started to support students and innovators to know all latest contest, we furnish the details in our blog post which are taken from the contest link which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward or date of closing is not responsible for the changes. By Rajasekar Madhavan-Contest Consultant

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