Closing Date: 10th May 2021 Reward: INR 50,000 + Internship & Job Opportunity
About e-Yantra:
e-Yantra is an initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded systems engineers with a practical outlook to help provide practical solutions to some of the real world problems.
About E-Yantra Fighting Covid 19 Hackathon:
e-Yantra Organizes many contest for the students all through year to bring out the innovative skills from the students across India and the Globe. Now e-Yantra urges our young polytechnic /science/ engineering and school students across India to find innovative solutions for addressing the challenges of COVID-19 and its spread. This hackathon aims to:
Solicit innovative solutions for the healthcare challenges we face due to COVID-19
Bring together India’s young generation to learn, upskill, compete and showcase their skills
Join Our Telegram Group for Innovation & Contest Updates:

Competition Challenges:
The eventual solution could be an app, a web-based solution or an embedded system or IoT based solution. You or your team (upto 4-strong) needs to articulate a problem and design and develop a solution to fight COVID-19. We are limited only by our imagination.
e-Yantra suggested problem statements to help spark your ideas.
Covid Emergency Response Medicine Monitoring & Tracking
Covid Oxygen Availability, Demand, Supply and Gap Assessment
Covid Hospital Health Delivery Monitoring for Bed Availability, Demand, Supply, Gap Assessment
Covid Home Management of Mild and Moderate Infections
Ambulance Network at the District Level
Monitoring Blood Availability, Demand and Gap Assessment in Blood Banks
Monitoring Plasma Availability, Demand, Supply, Gaps Assessment
Preparing Worst Case Scenarios of Covid Caseload Spikes
Preparing Database of Kidney Patients, Cancer Patients and People with Palliative Care Needs
Human Resource planning of frontline Health Care Workers.
Internship cum Training on Industrial Prototyping Using Solidworks: Click here to Enroll
Who Can Participate:
Any Secondary / Higher Secondary School, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, PhD students can take part in the hackathon. Only condition he/she should be in current academic year of institution.
Students can participate as an individual or a team of upto four students. The individuals may be from different colleges and/or departments.
Contest Timeline:
Registration : May 03rd - 10th, 2021
Video and Code Submission : May 11th - 24th, 2021
Results : 1st Week of June, 2021

Reward: Cash Prize of INR 50000 + (Internship and Job Opportunity)
.............INNOVATE TO WIN..............
To Know More & Register visit the contest link below:
Category of contest: Coding Contest
ProjectContest YouTube:
ProjectContest Instagram:
To Follow Rajasekar on LinkedIn:
Disclaimer: Projectcontest website was started to support students, industries and innovators to know various contest updates , we furnish the details in our website post which are taken from the contest link or details given by organizers which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward, date of closing, rules and regulation is not responsible for the changes.