Closing Date: 26-Dec-2018 I Reward: 1,00,000 INR & Tender based order
Organizer Details:
ANERT- AGENCY FOR NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY AND RURAL TECHNOLOGY Government of Kerala . The purpose of the Agency is to gather and disseminate relevant knowledge in the different fields of unconventional energy, energy conservation and rural technology, to conduct studies, to demonstrate, to implement and to support the implementation of programs and projects in these areas, thus addressing the problems arising from the rapid depletion of non-renewable energy sources, updating technologies used in rural areas and introducing appropriate new technologies. in order to reduce tedious tasks, increase production and improve the quality of life.
Contest Details:
ANERT invites public, students, engineers, entrepreneurs, etc. for the Design Design Challenge of Solar Light for Street Vendors.
For more details visit the link below:
Contest link:
Category of contest: Hardware contest.