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Concrete Cube Test- Competition - 2019

Writer's picture: Rajasekar MadhavanRajasekar Madhavan
Closing Date: 31 Jan 2020(refer Contest Link) Reward: Certificate and Recognition

Contest outline:

All India Concrete Cube Test- Competition - 2019 is in the third Edition which is organized by Indian Chapter of American Concrete Institute (IC-ACI). IC-ACI invites students from colleges / institutes of civil engineering to participate in the All India Concrete Cube 2019 test competition.

About IC-ACI:

Indian Professionals- exchange information and dissemination of knowledge about concrete technology with USA from the early days of 20th century even before there was ACI. ICACI Chapter,established on 26th December,1979, has today an All India membership of more than 2,000 individual and organizational members.

Through its continued and tireless services in organizing seminars, workshops, symposia technical meetings with professional Bodies,special lectures by experts on selected topics and site visits, the Chapter has attained a rare distinction from ACI, USA, as Outstanding chapter for successive years. It was also acknowledged with 'Outstanding International Activity' in 1984 and "Excellent

Chapter Award" in 2000 through 2019.

The Chapter-has a rich technical library for professionals and research scholars, conducts certification course for 'Construction Supervisors', publishes quality journal and special technical publications to provide information on developments in the field of concrete technology, held annual competition for excellence in concrete through tests of concrete cubes, gave away tri-annual award of outstanding concrete structures and holds interactive meetings with BIS for updating of codes. It is striving today to improve the practice of concrete technology to new heights in the country.

Problem to be solved:

  • Concrete is the most common and versatile construction material. Those who deal with concrete need to have 'Hands on' experience and genuine feel of concrete making, to understand its quality and behavior.

  • Concrete making with variations in characteristics of cement, proportioning of aggregates, chemistry of material and chemical admixtures, control of water binder ratio, is a challenge to any civil engineer.The India chapter of ACI wants to encourage young Students of Civil Engineering to experience through this competition, the art and science of producing good quality concrete.

Rules and Guidelines for contest and design:

Use of Materials:

  • Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources shall comply with the requirements of IS:383. The maximum size of coarse aggregates, gravel or crushed stones shall not exceed 20 mm.

  • Cement shall be any of the following:

  1. Ordinary Portland Cement (IS:269/IS8112/IS 12269. b) Portland Slag Cement (IS: 455).

  2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (1489 Part I).

  3. Partial replacement of cement with other Cementitious materials like Fly/Ash etc.

  • Chemical admixtures which conform to IS:9103 or ASTM C-494 or 1017, as applicable may be added.

Mix Design:

  • The mix shall be designed to achieve strength of 30 Mpa on 28 days, water cured cube sample, while testing. And not more than 33 Mpa.

Cube Specimen:

  • Cubical test specimens shall be of 150 x 150 x 150 mm in size within a tolerance limlt of 2 rom, cast as monolithic one unit. Any reinforcing by provision of bars, fibers or mesh, impregnation with materials like any polymer" epoxy or any synthetic glues or similar binders or modifiers is not permissible.

Curing and age of cubes:

  • Minimum 28 days curing shall be done in clean fresh water at ambient temperature in accordance with Codes.

  • Age of cubes on the day of testing shall be more than 28 days and less than 36 days.

Submission of entry:

  • A mix Design Report with all test results of trial mixes and finally adopted mix design, highlighting parameters used to obtain design strength with completed 'Data Sheet' and 'Cement Test Certificate' shall be submitted with each entry.

  • Each Entry will be by a group of Three Students.

  • Minimum 3 cubes shall be submitted with each entry.

  • Marks 'X' from corner of the upward face of the cubes to receive the test load.

  • Name of participants {organization or their addresses should be indicated or marked on the cubes.

  • Covering container {package of the cubes shall be marked with sender's name and address.

  • The cubes shall be sent by participants (which are not nodal centers) to the addresses of Conveners at respective location, nearby, to those given in introduction so as to reach three days prior to the date of Testing. Delivery of the cubes to the said address is the responsibility of the competitors.

  • All expenses towards cost of materials, casting of cubes, packing and delivering thereof to the. said address shall be borne by the competitors.

  • Cubes damaged In transit shall be rejected and Competitors shall have the responsibility of delivering the cubes in good condition.

Test of cubes

  • Testing of cubes will be start at 10:00 hrs. on the date and at the address of nodal centers of Conveners" or as notified by them. Competitors are welcome to attend, if they so desire

  • Testing will be done as per 15:516.The average strength of 3 cubes in direct compression shall be considered for merit adjudged from following:

  1. Ratio of strength to cement content

  2. Uniformity of results.

  3. Deviation from target strength.

  4. Special marks for use of fly Ash.

Evaluation Marks for the material Developed

1. MIX DESIGN REPORT- Max 20 Marks


3. MAX.VARIATION (WITHIN +2 MPA)- Max 10 Marks



IF 15% REPLACEMENT - Max 10 Marks

IF 25% REPLACEMENT - Max 15 Marks


7. USE OF ADMIXTURE - Max 10 Marks


Who can Participate?

This competition is only for Students of any Civil Engineering College/Student's Chapters of ACI in the following categories.

a) Members of Students' Chapters of IC-ACI.

b) Students of Civil Engineering Disciplines. (Any Institute/College)

  • A team of competitors shall consist of maximum three participants. More than 1 team from the same institution can take part in the competition, but each team shall have different set of participants and mix design.

  • The completed 'Data Sheet' must form part of Mix Design Report duly certified by a senior member of the institution, viz Head of The Department / Faculty Member etc. who shall be Professionally responsible for compliance of all guidelines by the participants.

Location of Conveners for Evaluation:

  1. MUMBAI (Maharashtra)

  2. RAJKOT (Gujarat)

  3. PERUNDURAI ERODE (Tamil Nadu)


  5. KOLHAPUR (Maharashtra)

  6. BHUBANESWAR (Odisha)

  7. NERUL (Navi Mumbai)

  8. COIMBATORE (Tamil Nadu)

  1. Winners will be awarded appropriate trophies and the participants will be issued with Certificate of Participation and given publicity through the Chapter's Journal, and other technical journal and chapter website.

  2. Special prize would be awarded for making concrete with blended cement and/ or use of admixtures/fiber.

............INNOVATE TO WIN............


For more details and application visit the link below:

Category of contest: Design Contest, Hardware, Civil

Disclaimer: As our blog was started to support students and innovators to know all latest contest, we furnish the details in our blog post which are taken from the contest link which was given at the time of contest launch, if any changes made in contest such as reward or date of closing is not responsible for the changes.


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